Sober Not Mature

Season 1

Aug. 20, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 26 (Shooting Our Wad Into The Wind)

Live from Cleveland!! (both of us) This is the final episode of Season 1 and we do a recap of how we got here with the podcast. How it started, where the name came from and what we like most …

Episode page
Aug. 13, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 25 (Sister Act)

This time, it's all Kathy. (And the crinkling sound that you hear WILL be explained and it goes away...) For those that don't know, she is our normie sister and a hell of a good sport for putting up with …

Episode page
Aug. 9, 2022

SoberNotMature - Bonus Clip (Dreams Of An Italian Retirement)

Our first ever Bonus Clip! Our sister helped me test things out a couple of weeks ago with the new software and I had some fun with it. You've all heard her name and heard our stories with her and …

Episode page
Aug. 6, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 24 (A Normie Walks Into A Circus and We Acce…

Chris, Chris and more Chris! We have our first guest on to run a little test with the new recording software, and it's Mike's girlfriend, Chris. To begin with, I don't know that we had planned to fill the entire …

Episode page
July 30, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 23 (Rock And Roll And The Wisdom To Know The…

We have new recording software! - We like it and we think you will too. We start off by recapping our trip this past week and we give our reviews of the bands. We also tell a couple of …

Episode page
July 23, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 22 (Sharing Our Problems With You)

We start off with Life on Life's terms and when is the best time to get sober? We talk about counseling. How alcohol is glamorized through advertising and why some people "make it" and why some don't. Sober dating and …

Episode page
July 17, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 21 (Dwelling On The Past. If Only We Could R…

We begin with Covid and Bees and have a brief discussion about the acronym HOW. Acceptance is the key. So is willingness. We talk about the demands of a podcast, having to work Keating Center events and another popular recov...

Episode page
July 9, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 20 (Upstanding Citizens or At Least Standing…

Happy 4 month anniversary to the podcast!! And Mike has a radio gig coming up. We received a great comment from a follower and also a suggestion that we dig into (Trading addictions) What if we profited from this? We …

Episode page
July 2, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 19 (Would You like Some Cheese With Your Pop…

Based on a suggestion, we actually talk about medicinal weed. The most monumental year or time in our sobriety and finding our identity with major changes or moves. When you're feeling out of sorts, lost or squirrely, what d...

Episode page
June 25, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 18 (What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor? Ha…

We start off talking about a Cleveland AA icon and how we both benefited from his work. There's a move happening for one of us and we talk about the why behind it. We touch on willingness in early sobriety …

Episode page
June 18, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 17 (Our Bullshit and Other Dubious Luxuries)

We start out with charity talk. The Keating Center and how to support the podcast. A listener question, and we provide some additional information about "normies" vs. "real alcoholics." Speaking of normies... how they feel w...

Episode page
June 11, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 16 (Cleaning Up Our Mess - And Why Do They K…

Founder's Day! This episode was recorded on June 10, 2022, which is the 87th Anniversary of the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. As everyone knows, AA is our base and Founder's Day has been a big deal for us. Stories from …

Episode page
June 4, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 15 (What's The Definition Of Meaning - Or Wh…

We start off with a quick wrap of a work issue, then we transition into normie's vs. real alcoholics. More about sponsors, compatibility and "accountability partners." The idea of getting rid of the word alcoholic. Getting so...

Episode page
May 29, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 14 (And Now A Word From Our Sponsor)

We begin on a positive note - Happy 3 Month Anniversary To The Podcast! Then we bitch about work... Steven Tyler relapsed. (insert verbal eye roll) We dive into a pretty cool conversation about how we both got our first …

Episode page
May 21, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 13 (Can I Speak To Your Manager)

We start off talking about what has always kept us sober; pizza, spite and making our beds. Also, preparing to be on our own after being "halfway." We discuss the things that could have kept us from staying sober and …

Episode page
May 14, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 12 (Take This Job And Shove It)

12th Episode - 12 Years - 12 Steps We talk about our first jobs after getting sober. What it was like, what they led to and the challenges. Gratitude and accountability, make another appearance. How we handled our first sum...

Episode page
May 7, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 11 (Word To Your Mother)

We begin with grand kids, diapers and not getting peed on. How music has played a part in our recovery and we dig into The Steps a little bit. Fear of missing out and the genuine fun that can be …

Episode page
April 30, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 10 (Absolute Nonsense)

We dive into The Four Absolutes, explain what they are and more importantly, what they mean to us. We talk about when Bill moved back to Wisconsin, how he settled in and how the hand of AA reached out. We …

Episode page
April 24, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 9 (A Day In The Rubber City)

In this episode, we are in Cleveland for our anniversaries and we do some stuff. A meeting, coins, friends and a trip to the birthplace of AA to visit Dr. Bob's house. We also talk about our time in the …

Episode page
April 16, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 8 (Complaints Can Be Healthy)

In this episode, we introduce a new friend ( ) and a new page on our website. As promised, I tell my story about Sober Grid ( @sobergrid ), but it's a story with a point. And a lesson. …

Episode page
April 9, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 7 (Getting Triggered)

This week we bitch a little bit about statistics (based on a message that I got this week). We talk about triggers, how we handle ourselves in social situations and dealing with life when it gets difficult. We also get …

Episode page
April 2, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 6 (Hanging On To That Shoe)

In this episode we talk about the death of a rock star and how we dealt with death in early recovery. We also received a request from a listener, asking us to talk about repairing relationships, starting healthy relationshi...

Episode page
March 25, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 5 (The Cheeseland Chronicles)

In this episode Mike is in Wisconsin for a few days, so we actually got to record an episode under the same roof. We talk about disappointments, the first drink, playing the tape through and gratitude. We also take a …

Episode page
March 19, 2022

SoberNotMature - Episode 4 (The First 30 Days)

In this episode, we talk about when each of us got to the sober living facility, and you'll hear how different our experiences were. We also dive into that first 30 days that we were sober and some of the …

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