This week it's all Megan! Or "Crazy Megan," as we call her (with love) and as all of you have gotten to know her. Megan has been a friend of ours for a long time, but we even heard some things in her story that were new to u...
We start off with a nice comment from one of our followers. We like to hear nice things too. No fronts, but the one year mark for this podcast thing is right around the corner! Mike did a reading about "cheap little slogans"...
Live from Cleveland! Just Mike and I this week, but we had a lot to catch up on. We started off talking about why I am in Cleveland this weekend. Some good old fashioned fun with sober friends. Mike had a great reading from...
This week we got to spend some time with our good friend Tony. He went through The Keating Center, just like we did and he shares his experiences. Tony had an interesting plan when he came in, a plan that you will have to he...
We recorded a new website promo! Goofy, but fun. Mike started out with a great reading and then we talked about a couple of other items from recent things that we have read. Being mechanical and what we deserve. We did get a...
We are extremely happy to have had the chance to collaborate with Ashley and Sober Girl Podcast! @sobergirlpodcast She is a hell of a lot nicer than us (which Mike said is a very low bar), but still. She was great. We talked...
We have some more haters... But we also have a super cool announcement! This recording is happening on January 6th, and it's an important day for us. We explain that and talk about it. Could it be that simple? It's a repeat...
We start off talking about other podcasts and somehow end up talking about vibrators, jam and jelly. Yep. You read that correctly. New Year's Eve. Just another day, but we offer some advice (again) about how to get through...
Mike is back from Mexico and he has some stories. Also, it's cold and snowy and we reminisce back to the Blizzard of '99. We did a recap of what you can do to stay safe and sober during the Holidays. It's just a few simple ...
The first ever International episode! Well, at least one of us was International. Mike is in Mexico this week, but as he said, we do what we need to for our sobriety, so we did our normal episode. We chatted about his trip,...
We start off with the tale of an unhappy follower. It appears that "Do the f*cking work. Don't be lazy," doesn't sit well with everyone. Then a happy story of one of our friends and his sober success. Surprisingly from doin...
Holy hell, we had a lot to talk about. We aren't sure if it made any sense, but we talked a lot. We have a new podcast friend and it sounds like she will appear with us and vice versa in the not so distant future. We both ta...
It's all about Gratitude. The episode and the life that we need to live. First of all, the podcast is almost 9 months old! Still going strong? Well... still going at least. We also spent some time at our mom's house today...
We start off talking a little bit about the last week and a few things about our mom. Then some Holiday talk. What we do and what we have done for all these years to stay sober during the Holidays. Like the title says... ha...
Once again, it's been a hell of a week, but as the title says, we are "easing back to normal." We start off by talking about the time we spent with our family this past weekend, our mom's service and how grateful we are to ha...
This episode is all about our Mom. She passed away this week (10/30/22) and it's been a hell of a week. We dealt with shock, disbelief, some things that we have never had to deal with before and also a bad funeral home. Then...
This episode is all Rory and his "mission first" company, Project Clean. @projectclean_suds He celebrated a year of recovery in September and he tells us how he got here. And then the fun began. We had the chance to hear how...
This episode is all Christine. No Need for us to get cute or fancy with this title. She is "Sober As A Mother." As we have said all week, she is a friend and we had a wonderful conversation with her. She ...
This week it's all Travis. His story is not "unique," and admittedly, neither is he. He battled through alcohol and drug addiction, spent time in jail and emerged as a Best Selling Author, with a dog by his side. We had a gr...
This week it is all Tim. ( Instagram @tlodgen ) He has a hell of a story and we are not going to diminish it by trying to explain it here. We will say that he has Military experience, was a combat fighter, battled mental he...
This week we talk for a bit and then rewind for a bit. Not the best of, but some of... the past stuff that we have done. We get into a brief conversation of who Mike reminded Bill of recently and we talk about a weird situat...
This episode is all Gretchen! Oh sorry... all "G." We had a wonderful conversation with her and she walked us through what got her here, her early days in "The Cult," and what she does today. We talked about the name that Mi...
She's back!! Daphne joins us again to talk about the good stuff; how she got sober, how she stayed sober and what she is up to now, 4 years later. Literally sharing her experience, strength and hope. Oh, and her dog even ma...
Yep, just Mike and I this week and it appears we had some catching up to do. Once again... we talk about the trend of people wanting to eliminate the word alcoholic. We have some opinions on that. We talk about the newcomer,...