Nov. 11, 2023

SoberNotMature - Episode 90 (Michael R - The Keating Boys & The Mystery Of The Casino Buffet)

SoberNotMature - Episode 90 (Michael R - The Keating Boys & The Mystery Of The Casino Buffet)
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Sober Not Mature

This week we have Michael! Our really, really good friend from Cleveland and one of our sober friends for over 13 years.

Michael told us a little bit about how he got here, but more importantly, why he stays here.

We talked about The Keating Center and the 3/4 house that we were all at. Then about the woman that he met, who became his wife and the mother of his 2 beautiful daughters.

There were poker nights, charity events, good times and rough times and even a trip to the all you can eat buffet at the casino (hence the episode title).

Basically, it was just 3 sober guys that have been through it together for over 13 years, having a conversation.

Enjoy the episode.

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Bill (00:04.534)
All right, everyone, welcome once again to another episode of Sober, Not Mature. And this time, we can actually say we have a really, really good friend on tonight. And yeah, our friend, Buddy Michael, is with us. We've known him, God, almost as long as Mike and I have known each other. So, Michael, introduce yourself real quick, and then we'll kind of give a little bit of an idea of what we're going to talk about and go from there.

Mike (00:15.166)
We do.

Michael Raleigh (00:30.814)
Yeah, Mike, I've known like Bill said since pretty much day one.

Mike (00:37.141)

Bill (00:38.022)
Yeah. So who are you and where are you from? Give us a quick intro.

Michael Raleigh (00:41.946)
Oh, I'm Mike. I'm from Garfield Heights and right now I live in Lorain County with my wife and kids. Two beautiful girls.

Mike (00:47.253)

Mike (00:52.489)

Bill (00:54.094)
Yeah, that's part of the entire story. And real quick, before we get too far into this, we happen to be recording on another one of my children's birthdays. So just real quick, happy birthday to my daughter Kimberly. We all call her Kimmy, but yeah, today is her birthday. And yeah, just by chance, we recorded on both my son's birthday and her birthday. No story, she didn't ruin my lunch or anything like that. No weird stories about when she was born, except for...

Mike (01:02.625)

Mike (01:07.401)
Thank you, me.

Bill (01:21.95)
I was freaking out so much when my, Pam, my wife at the time was in so much pain, the doctor actually made me leave the room with him to get a cup of coffee so I could calm down. And then they slipped her a little bit more pain medication late in the thing and Kimmy came out purple. And that's my story, so.

Mike (01:39.997)
Right, and you were 12 years old.

Bill (01:42.326)
I was yeah, pretty damn close. I was 19. Yeah. Because yeah, I have a I'm 55 and I have a 36 year old daughter. So yeah, I was I was a child, which is probably the reason I was fucking freaking out.

Michael Raleigh (01:44.546)
Wow. Yeah.

Mike (01:54.813)
Yeah, exactly. Right. Well, you know, go ahead, Mike.

Michael Raleigh (01:54.926)
the right. You know, we waited till I was 36 before we hit our first one and I couldn't imagine if I was 19.

Bill (02:02.881)

Mike (02:04.09)

Yeah, yeah, well, I was 19 too when Amber was born, so yeah. We got it out of the way early.

Bill (02:07.956)

Bill (02:14.266)
Yeah, it's a thing, but I'll tell you, it was a little bit different when Derek was born, because I was 32 when he was born. So yeah, quite a bit different. But yeah, we're not here to talk about me and my kids, although again, happy birthday Kimmy, I love you. So Mike, we don't really have much of a format here, but I'll let the other Mike here kind of explain what we do. I don't know how much you've listened to this before, but maybe all we do is have a conversation.

Michael Raleigh (02:14.274)

Bill (02:43.974)
We have a mild format, right Mike?

Mike (02:46.305)
Yeah, slightly. And, you know, I was actually thinking about this earlier today, man. Um, I probably don't even have to do this with Michael, cause you know, he's one of us, but, but you know, tell your story, tell him where you from, all that good stuff. Um, we hate fucking drunk logs. I know you do too. Um, we don't care about, you know, how you fucked up and cause we know how to do that. We know how to fuck up our lives and fuck up the lives of everybody around us. We want to hear about the solution.

But we do want to hear, you know, there's a lot of people out there listening or, you know, one or two anyway that don't know you. So, you know, let them know where you're from, what you're about.

Bill (03:16.81)
Ha ha ha!

Michael Raleigh (03:24.243)
I mean, yeah, I just, you know, from an early age, I was, I was, you know, a good kid. And the moment I took seventh grade, when I had any type of responsibility, you know, and that just goes to show that it's drinking isn't the whole problem, you know. The responsibility I had was just going from class to class to class at school, and I couldn't even do that, you know.

Mike (03:42.153)

Michael Raleigh (03:53.022)
And from then, you know, my grades just started going down the hill. Um, started smoking pot and hanging out with different crowds. And, um, yeah, it was just total downhill from there, you know, total disappointment to my family. And, you know, I squeaked by school. Uh, when I got out of school, the same thing, you know, just that gave me more time to do whatever. I got fired from job, from job, from job, you know, the same story.

And, uh, that led me to getting in trouble with the law and, um, ended up doing some time in prison and, uh, got out of there and same thing, right back to where I was right back to where I started, you know, uh, you know, I had a great family, luckily, um, who supported me until they just couldn't anymore and.

It's just the pain that I put them through is. Is probably my biggest reminder today. Um, just to see the smile on their face and stuff like that, that they get to hang out with the grandkids and stuff. But, um, you know, I ended up homeless, uh, no friends really. Uh, and the one friend I did had, I told them, um,

One night I'm like, you're not going to see me anymore. I'm going to the Keating center. And you know, I, I did. And I got there and I was actually on unemployment and I got my check that day. And I'm like, I'm not staying here. So I went out, I went out to the car and I told my mom, like, they don't have a bed come back tomorrow and she's like, okay. You know, that's just that, that thinking that we have. And.

Mike (05:23.145)

Bill (05:35.527)

Bill (05:47.548)
I got some money man, I can't go in yet.

Michael Raleigh (05:50.246)
Right. And it wasn't even a lot. It was like $90 or something, but all right. I'm 30 years old. I have $90 to my name. And, uh, but no, but luckily I came back the next day and they still had that bed, you know, and, and I walked in. That's when I seen, um, the both of you and you know, my life just changed from that day. I was so nervous when I got there.

Bill (05:53.126)
It doesn't matter. Fuckin' 90 bucks is 90 bucks, man. Right.

Mike (05:55.663)
It gets you through the night.

Bill (06:00.286)

Mike (06:16.506)

Michael Raleigh (06:17.782)
Cause I've been there before and it was, it just felt different this time. It was just, you know, it was either do this or, or don't. And, uh, so I mean, I'm quiet naturally. And, you know, so I just did my thing and, um, follow directions. I had my job, everybody in the house gets a job and, uh, I would do my job. And when I was done, I would go help the next person, you know, and.

I did that just to stay out of my own head, to constantly stay busy. Uh, everything that I was told I did, I didn't deviate from anything because every time in the past, I would always just.

You know, fail. I didn't have the tools or anything. And this time I'm like, I'm just going to do whatever I'm told.

And I did, and you know that summer we had a great group of guys.

Mike (07:14.597)

Bill (07:14.674)
Yeah, we really did. We really did. So real quick before we go on from there that summer. So I mean, obviously we know you were in the Keating Center before, but just step back real quick to that point and what was different between when you were in there the first time and when that was versus 2010 when you came in.

Michael Raleigh (07:16.927)

Michael Raleigh (07:33.618)
Oh, I was there. Uh, the first time was 2003. I went and that was on 117th, but at the time it was the freedom house. And that time I just went there because I was in trouble with the law. Um, being honest and you know, uh, I was, I went there for 30 days. And when I got there, all the meetings that I went to were on the West side. And I lived on the East side at the time.

Bill (07:48.359)

Bill (07:51.953)

Michael Raleigh (08:03.978)
And then when I left...

I started going to meetings all on the East side. So I just totally like built this little support group that I did for 30 days. And then when I went back to the East side, it was just gone. I was by myself again. And you know, I went to a few meetings and then slowly but surely I would start to be the last one there, sit in the back of the room, first one to leave. And you know, I thought I was gonna be okay because I-

I walked in and I knew people there from school, from growing up and stuff. And it just, you know, I, you don't let, you don't stay with that foundation that you built. And it just, for me, it's just not gonna work out. And then I ended up, oh, in Jones Road, 2006. And this time I, you know, I actually tried. I got a sponsor.

Um, did what was asked and you know, it was once again, another great group of guys and you know, I was there probably 10 months and the reason I went back there is, uh, you know, that whole time when I got in trouble, the first time I was on probation and I never went to see my PO obviously during them three years because I was not clean and, um,

I basically stayed there like 10 months. I had a job and I was doing okay. And I was out on a visit at my parents' house on a Sunday. And on the way back, I got pulled over in Garfield Heights. They took me out of the car at gunpoint for probation violation. And that's when they took me to county. And then that's when I got sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.

Michael Raleigh (10:02.846)
And you know, it's, I was fortunate enough to get into the program there. So I didn't have to do three years. It was in prison program. So I did intensive drug and alcohol rehabilitation for about 11 months, 12 months, and I got released to cats. And then from cats, once my parents, my father, um, saved the days like, Hey, you need a job? And I said, yeah. So he got me a job at his place.

which I had got fired from 12 years earlier. And, uh, but you know, parents, they just, they just love you to death. And, you know, it was good. I, I met someone and we were dating for a while and everything was good. I was, I mean, I was drinking, I wasn't going to meetings, but I was able to drink like a beer here, a beer there and stop.

Bill (10:35.05)

Michael Raleigh (10:55.822)
And then as soon as that relationship ended, it was all worse than it has ever been. And I was homeless, I was homeless. And it just, my parents didn't want me around. I would sneak in their backyard and sleep all night. Wake up with a sandwich and a glass of milk that my mother put there. And so I was just tired, I was just tired. And I couldn't do it.

Bill (11:16.84)

Michael Raleigh (11:26.95)
I just didn't lay in under, laying there under the stars. You just think a lot. And I just realized I got to do something different. So yeah, that's when I went to the, that's when I went to the rock, 2010, July.

Bill (11:40.046)
And I'm glad you brought up that. And that's, I mean, of course, Mike and I have heard your story a number of times and we've known you long enough to know probably more than what you've told in front of a podium, but the whole patio thing and the sandwich thing, because at that point you weren't getting along with your dad, right? Your mom would bring out the food and just be like, you got, you got to get out of here. Right. I mean, at that point.

Michael Raleigh (11:59.582)
Oh, right. Oh, my dad, he couldn't even look at me. I was like the biggest disappointment that in his life. I mean, cause my sister, she was born 15 years after I was, and he had her to protect and I totally understand it. You know, so

Mike (12:02.785)

Bill (12:18.17)
Right. Yeah, but that I just I remember hearing that for the first time and that's powerful, you know, I mean because you know getting to that point and then and I just thought it was important because I knew you had been I guess I didn't remember that you had been to the to the rock previously or the Freedom House, but I knew about Jones Road. So I learned something new. But so again, not to interrupt back from when I did. But so that yeah, so that summer so you did what you were told you took direction you help people out.

And that's one of the things that Mike and I have talked about quite a bit because both of us, we talked about this I think on here, right, Mike? I mean about, you know, how determined you were, Michael, when you came in. And we knew a little bit about your past. We knew you, you know, had been there before type of thing as far as through the Keating Center. And I just remember you because both Mike and I were house fathers at the time. And I do, I remember that.

Mike (13:00.333)

Bill (13:12.91)
And again, for everyone who doesn't know, the Keating Center, we clean like a million fucking times, everything. And then literally, it's like, okay, you know, that you two people go into the bathroom upstairs, two people downstairs, and this in the kitchen. Everyone did, they had their job. And then once Michael would finish up, he would, he'd always come to us, what else can I do? Where can I help? Almost every day, if I remember correctly. So that was, I mean, that was actually pretty cool. And then

Michael Raleigh (13:17.422)
Oh shit. Right.

Mike (13:20.029)

Michael Raleigh (13:28.237)

Mike (13:37.321)

Bill (13:41.53)
I know we told this story before, it might even have been when we were talking to Megan, but we were in group one time and I don't remember what the deal was, but there was whoever the guy was leading the group kind of, I don't remember who it was, but didn't really have control of the group. So everyone's just kind of fucking around literally like hooting and hollering and this and that. And Michael, you stood up and you're like, you're like, guys, come on, I'm trying to fucking learn something here or something along those lines.

Mike (14:08.641)

Bill (14:10.402)
And everyone's just like, oh. But I remember that like it was fucking yesterday because that just, I don't know, that's a pretty damn good example of where your head was at that you weren't about fucking around about anything, which is cool.

Mike (14:24.065)

Michael Raleigh (14:25.626)
I felt I couldn't, I didn't have that opportunity. And then, you know, that brief, I remember the guy's face, I remember, but I can't remember his name.

Mike (14:27.633)

Bill (14:33.301)

Right. I don't even remember what the dude looked like. I just remember that he had lost control of that group that day or maybe all the time. I don't even remember that part.

Michael Raleigh (14:45.078)
Right. And then, you know, I remember people used to say you got rallied and, and you know, and that just, and I understand why nowadays because I've been through it like two times before that. And if you mess around, you're not going to make it, you know, so it just, there's, you can't, you can't mess around with it.

Mike (14:51.36)

Bill (14:52.042)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Mike (15:04.801)

Mike (15:08.297)
Right. Yeah. I mean, that was, you know, definitely, you know, my impression. I mean, when you came in, it was like, I didn't, this fucker serious man. Um, definitely hang around with him. Cause you know, he's yeah, he was one of the guys that was serious about it. And there, you know, there were others obviously, and I'm not bill, but, um, I know, I know. Right. But you were, you were still, I don't know. There's something about you.

Bill (15:17.108)
Ha ha.

Bill (15:28.07)
Right. And I wasn't. That's true. I wasn't. Yeah. No.

Mike (15:37.437)
But whatever. Yeah, you certainly, we could tell, but there was potential there with you. Some of those guys, there was no chance at hell, and you knew that, and you felt bad, and hopefully they'd make it back. But yeah, but Michael was definitely one of the guys that was like, God damn it, I'm fucking serious about this. I've gotta do this for myself. I don't wanna have my life this way anymore. And that's exactly how I felt too. It was like, fuck, I've been through this before.

I fucked around before and I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't know how the fuck I'm not going to live like this, but I can't. So I'm going to do whatever these fuckers tell me to do.

Michael Raleigh (16:18.978)
Absolutely right. And you know, I felt the same way about you guys. When I got there, I'm like, these guys, they're not messing around either. You know, and I think that's why we all gravitate gravitated toward each other.

Mike (16:29.169)
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. You know, it's funny. We're talking about, um, I ran into Joe Harrison, the, um, at yeah, this weekend Saturday, I had some time to kill. Chris was doing something and I was like, I'm going to go to the fucking mall and see if I can buy a shirt. So I'm wandering around. I was walking through, um, I think it was Norman storms and he was in there, um, buying shoes cause he had just gotten a new suit cause he was going to a wedding. Yeah.

Bill (16:35.264)
Oh shit, really?

Bill (16:52.938)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Mike (16:56.489)
I was like, God damn, we're all fucking adult and shit. We started laughing, right?

Bill (16:58.954)
Right, right. Well, you know, and like you said, Mike, and I know for a fact that I'm sure it was pretty clear that I was angry, I was pissed off, I was all those things. By the time you got there, Michael, in July, I mean, I was only a few months into this thing, and still not, I mean, I was going with the flow. That's the only way I can put it. I was just following the crowd and doing what everyone was doing. And the thing of it is, is that like you guys say it, you knew better and you knew what you had to do.

Michael Raleigh (16:59.224)
I know, right.

Bill (17:28.642)
I didn't know any better. Maybe that's what saved me with some of these, some of the fucking God shit, because I didn't know enough to hate God, like a lot of people did. And when it came to things that I wasn't supposed to do, I didn't know any better, you know? I figured out really quickly that if shit didn't get done, we had to do it again, and I didn't want to do that. And if shit went really bad, then we got shut down. That was at least a rumor at the time before it happened. So I just shut my mouth and followed along with people.

Mike (17:43.294)

Bill (17:58.327)
You know, that's all that I did. I just didn't know any better. Ha ha. Because.

Michael Raleigh (18:01.866)
Right, I mean, I wasn't calling anybody a rational prick.

Bill (18:05.674)
Yeah. Did we ever actually, Mike, did we actually ever tell that story? I don't even remember if we've ever. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we did. Yeah. Cause that was our other, our other buddy, Joe was out there banging his baby mama and he got caught and we got shut down. Oh, that's right. Cause that's a weekend that, uh, my son came into town and I was supposed to go on a visit and tell him everything was happening with me and all that sort of thing. But, um, yeah, but you're, you're right. I mean, when you started saying it, I mean, as far as the

Michael Raleigh (18:08.002)
That's it.

Mike (18:13.121)
I think we did pretty early on. Yeah.

Michael Raleigh (18:14.582)

Michael Raleigh (18:26.377)

Mike (18:26.454)

Bill (18:34.246)
the group of guys that we had and, you know, and, you know, Joe Harrison. And then there was, uh, you know, all these, all these different people, the other Joe, um, what can I say? Uh, Lang a Tang, you know, who used to call him like Joe Lang a Tang. I thought that was kind of funny. I can't remember who he's. Yeah. Right. But then there was obviously, you know, us and then Frankie was there during that timeframe and Wes and the Joe's and all these other people and

Mike (18:52.257)
couldn't tell you man some knucklehead but right.

Michael Raleigh (18:53.166)
Mm-mm. Right.

Bill (19:03.114)
I mean, it was just, it was, it was a, it was a good group, just a good solid group of people, you know, and I remember even Marty saying that when, when we all got over to the three-quarter house that he told us a couple of times, like, I don't have to worry about you guys, you guys, you guys are gonna get it, you guys are gonna get shit done, you know, which was, which was weird because, I mean, neither, I mean, none of us were, were that sober at the time we went over there. I mean, I mean, we were, we hadn't drank in a little while, but I mean, we weren't completely fixed, you know, or anything like that and

Mike (19:08.21)

Mike (19:21.694)

Michael Raleigh (19:26.323)

Mike (19:30.237)
Right. Oh, hell no. Yeah, right. Thank you.

Michael Raleigh (19:31.874)
No, I'm still not fixed.

Bill (19:32.786)
You know, right, right. You didn't see me. We do air quotes every once in a while, Michael. So that was, I apologize. Usually I say those by air quotes fixed, but yeah. But yeah, I mean, it was, it was funny. The only other thing that I, again, that I remember about you and again, because you ended up being a house father, right, Michael? That's what I.

Michael Raleigh (19:44.226)

Michael Raleigh (19:54.514)
I did. Yeah. That's when everybody started saying that you got rallied.

Mike (19:58.273)

Bill (19:58.912)
Oh, hahaha!

Michael Raleigh (19:59.918)
because, well yeah, I just wanted everybody to succeed, I wanted everybody to live.

Mike (20:05.633)

Bill (20:07.206)
Right. Well, that's the other thing too. And Mike and I have talked about that on here. There was the, do you remember hearing that Michael is that, you know, if you were a house father, that there was no way you're going to stay sober. You remember hearing all that bullshit.

Mike (20:17.919)

Michael Raleigh (20:20.203)
I don't.

Bill (20:21.21)
Really? Hahaha!

Mike (20:21.817)
Oh yeah, that was especially the, like the older guys that, who do you know? And stuff, you know, and our, and our, and yeah, they were like, you know, they make you a house father, man. You're going to fucking relapse. You know? And, and I mean, I'm sure part of it, cause that was kind of what they did was, you know, tell you, you can't do something and fuck you. Yeah. I'll show you. And, um, you know, but, but it was, I mean, for a while there, especially when we first got there, guys that were house fathers, man, they went out.

Michael Raleigh (20:41.058)

Mike (20:50.565)
And it was like, fuck, that's no, no. Thank you.

Michael Raleigh (20:51.756)

Right? Well, they did, but I mean, that's for 60 days or whatever. There's no stress. You have no stress there. And then you then 60, 90 days in, you get this house job, it's responsibility. And it's like, whoa.

Mike (21:01.064)

Mike (21:07.217)

Bill (21:07.742)
Right. Yeah. And with that, I mean, you're basically on call from, you know, seven in the morning until, you know, lights out at 11 o'clock at night. And yeah, it was it was a long day. There was a lot, you know. But who was that? Oh, that was Adam that took the keys. Mike, you remember that when he Adam took the keys up to the shelf. And then Marty comes back with some he goes to pick up some sort of food shit. And he wants to put it in that whole, you know, that locked door area. What was that cooler area? And he's like, you know,

Michael Raleigh (21:15.374)

Mike (21:22.636)
Mmm, yeah.

Michael Raleigh (21:33.517)

Bill (21:35.786)
keys or whatever. So we're like, hang on one second, Adam's got to me just and we're looking for Adam and we see him walking down the parking lot. Adam, get your fucking ass over here, man. Because you know, that's it again for everyone out there that's listening that we had keys to the all these different things in the building. And one of us, it was usually three house fathers, at least two if not three. And there was one person that always hung onto the keys. If you're going someplace, hand the keys off. So there was always somebody on premises with keys. So

Mike (21:44.725)

Michael Raleigh (21:44.885)

Michael Raleigh (22:00.663)

Bill (22:03.198)
That would have been, yeah, Marty would have just fucking lost it. Yeah. Yeah, man. It's like try to distract him for a minute when he's got, he's like seven steps ahead of whatever he's doing at that moment. But, um, but yeah, I mean, it was, it was, uh, it was a good time. I mean, it's, uh, you know, as Marty had said, you know, the, you know, 90 days or

Michael Raleigh (22:06.862)
off hell yeah

Mike (22:08.694)
Yeah, we covered and hang on a sec, Marty. They're right over here. Let me go grab them.

Michael Raleigh (22:12.739)


Bill (22:31.29)
six months or whatever it is, whatever the timeframe is, the best time that you'll never want to repeat. And we brought that up a couple of times on here. And that's a fact. But we had a really good time. We had a good group of people. Saw a lot of people come in and out, saw people relapse, saw people die, which is not fun. So there was all the good times that we had, but then dealing with all that shit just early on in recovery, it's...

Michael Raleigh (22:34.241)


Michael Raleigh (22:52.642)
No, it's not.

Bill (23:00.602)
And I had never been around any of that before. So some of it was just like, holy fuck. You know, just mind blowing.

Michael Raleigh (23:11.406)
Well, it's everything changed from 2003 to 2010. It was just a totally different like spectrum of why people are there and, you know, what they're doing. And then, yeah, people started dying and it's just, it's heartbreak.

Mike (23:21.956)

Bill (23:28.618)
Well, and I think, I don't want to say everyone, but you got to figure 80% of the people that came in there had tried heroin, I would think. There was a lot more people coming in that were probably more drug-related than alcohol-related, certainly during that time going forward, I would think, right?

Michael Raleigh (23:32.66)
Well yeah.

Michael Raleigh (23:47.25)
I would think so. And you know, that's out of everything. That's the only thing I never tried. I was scared to death. I knew I would love it. You know, with the way I was and I'm just like, man, thank God, thank God.

Bill (23:53.341)

Mike (23:53.8)

Bill (23:58.846)
Right? Well, and I just got lucky. I mean, we've talked about it plenty and you know, Michael, I mean, I've never done any drugs at all, but I think had I would have enjoyed the fuck out of them, I know I would have. And sooner or later, that's a definite, you know, one of my yes that I hope to never experience because whether it would have been pills that led to or pills that were, or whatever it was, I'm sure that if I would have done any fucking drug, I would have fucking loved it, you know?

Michael Raleigh (24:07.177)
Right away.

Michael Raleigh (24:27.381)

Bill (24:28.082)
So, but yeah. Ha ha ha.

Mike (24:28.937)
Yeah, they're fun. Yeah. And then they're not right. You know, I mean, that's it. I I'm totally grateful that I'm so fucking lazy, man. Cause being a drug addict is really fucking hard work. And you know, I mean, I got to the point where it was like, I couldn't do it anymore. Of course I couldn't stop getting loaded. So I just, I just drank, you know, cause it was way easier to go to the corner and get what I needed cheap and legally.

Michael Raleigh (24:31.571)
You know what, they are, but.

They're not.

Michael Raleigh (24:51.807)

Mike (24:58.865)
Um, so I, I'm grateful for my laziness when it comes to that. Cause I mean, yeah, I was, you know, at the end of my heroin use, I was like seriously considering getting a gun and knocking over stores and shit. I was like, this is, that's not a bad idea. No, that's a bad fucking idea. Yeah.

Bill (25:14.335)

Michael Raleigh (25:16.806)
It is. And, and you know, did not, you mentioned that it, that brings me like, that's one of the reasons why I was so scared is because, you know, before I would go out and I would steal from people, you know, when I was coming down from a high and this time it was like, I need to get high and I'd be stone cold sober and I'd be trying to figure out who I could rip off and I'm like, what am I turning into? You know,

Mike (25:30.418)

Mike (25:43.809)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, no fucking choice, man. Yeah, it sucks. I say it a million times, man. I enjoy the freedom today. I am not a slave to any of that shit, and I am so happy. But I also got to remember that I got to do this stuff every day. Otherwise, I will be that slave again and a heartbeat.

Michael Raleigh (25:47.758)
Well... Mm-mm.

Bill (26:09.002)
So that's a question for you, Michael, because I mean, Mike and I always talk about the routine that we have and a lot of what we do, almost to a T of what we do today was what we did and started doing in the Keating Center. So just for everyone else, because I mean, routines are a big thing we talk about, what's your daily routine like specifically in the morning or at night, you're kind of like your sobriety thing that you do.

Michael Raleigh (26:34.454)
Well, I mean, I'll get up in the morning and I start work at six. My work schedule, I got all this stuff going on right now. So things have changed a little bit, but I mean, I get up and I'll see my little prayers and then I'm out the door to work at four 30 in the morning. And then I work.

Michael Raleigh (26:59.582)
And depending on what time I work to, I either got to leave work and go to school. I don't get home till nine o'clock. Um, but you know, I go to, as far as daily, I mean, I pray I always do the dishes. That's my thing, you know, and at night before I go to bed, I pray, um, my sponsor texts me every day, um, I do not respond back every day. I probably should start.

Bill (27:17.332)

Mike (27:17.601)
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehe

Michael Raleigh (27:29.75)
But you know what, I try to hit my home group every day or every week, which reminds me, I told him I wouldn't be there tonight and he said, well, make sure you remind them how important your home group is.

Mike (27:39.873)

Bill (27:42.125)
Yeah, you're the second one we pulled out of that, your wife we pulled out of that the one night.

Michael Raleigh (27:46.69)
Yeah. All right. Well, I think he was more upset because I told him I couldn't go golfing on Sunday, but yeah.

Mike (27:52.59)
Ah, I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here. We're talking about Al, right?

Bill (27:52.696)

Michael Raleigh (27:57.255)
Oh, 100%.

Bill (28:00.955)
I do that too.

Michael Raleigh (28:03.01)
But yeah, it's just, I mean, I just do the same little things every day. Um, and I mean, I don't hit many meetings as I used to. I got like, I got two girls. Uh, I got work, I got school. Um, these girls, they pretty much take up all of our lives. And, but, well, most of the time. Yeah. And in public, definitely.

Mike (28:06.881)

Mike (28:13.261)
Right. Mm-hmm.

Mike (28:22.881)

Bill (28:24.185)
But they're cute as hell though, so. Most of the time, yeah. I know, I know.

Mike (28:28.487)

Bill (28:36.15)
But yeah, I mean, I figured you would say something like that. But I think it's just that once again, Mike and I talk about that a lot and both of us have had, it's been a long time since I've had a Sponsi, but Mike's dealing with one now. I know he's dealt with one, you know, a couple more over the years and right. But oh, really? Oh, okay. Well, which again is never a good sign. And that's the thing that in.

Mike (28:52.317)
maybe no seriously maybe yeah haven't heard from him about a week

Michael Raleigh (28:54.36)

Michael Raleigh (28:58.99)
Uh oh.

Michael Raleigh (29:04.983)

Bill (29:05.462)
Yet another thing we talk about on here a lot is that we, you know, we don't chase sponsors. If you don't hear from them, we always, we always think the worst, which is terrible, but it is what it is. You know, you just, it's usually what happens if one of us, quote unquote, you know, disappears or stops getting in touch with us. It's usually not a good thing, you know? But I don't know, just some of these, these little things that, that I've asked people to do and that Mike has asked people to do. And I'm sure I know Michael, people that you've asked to sponsor or

Mike (29:11.083)

Bill (29:35.782)
Whether it's praying or I mean Mike and I still read the 24-hour book every day, you know I read a couple other things too, you know, but It's this it's this thing every single day, you know, and Mike just said it a few minutes ago All the things that we've been through all the shit that we did and the yet's and all that stuff If we stop doing these things, I don't think any one of us has the illusion that we'll be okay If we stop doing these things, right?

Michael Raleigh (30:01.942)
No, no, not at all. It's, I just, no.

Bill (30:07.206)
Right. Yeah, it's just, exactly. It's just that you almost can't even think about that, right? It's unfathomable. Right.

Mike (30:07.741)

Michael Raleigh (30:14.59)
Oh, I just, I couldn't even imagine.

Mike (30:17.674)

Michael Raleigh (30:19.182)
I mean, there's like the praying I've done it ever since day one. Um, well, maybe not day one, maybe like three days in what I've, but it's just, I always have to have that conscious contact with, you know, and, because I mean, I, I haven't done this on my own at all. I mean, like I said, in the beginning, I've done what everybody's told me to do.

Mike (30:22.793)

Mike (30:27.061)

Michael Raleigh (30:46.474)
Not one time did I say, I'm gonna go do this and it turned out okay in my life.

Bill (30:49.098)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Mike (30:55.704)
Oh, absolutely. Well, yeah, you know, the, the first step man, second part of the first step, you know, our lives are unmanageable. I say it all the time. My life's still fucking unmanageable. I don't manage my own life. You know, I let these principles in this program and the suggestions and whatever, that's what manages my life. My way doesn't fucking work. At all. Yeah. So, you know, right. We let these things manage our lives for us and our lives.

turn out to be pretty fucking good.

Michael Raleigh (31:24.578)
Oh, a hundred percent. And just because I don't do like a lot of the things I used to, um, I still have a daily life and I do not deviate from that at all, you know, I do, I go to the same place to get coffee in the morning. I, you know, I, it's just, everything is, it's structured and it's, it just helps.

Mike (31:31.036)

Mike (31:48.349)
Hmm, absolutely. Right. Yeah. Well, yeah, we're going to go wander off on our own somewhere. We know what happens then. It's not good. Right.

Bill (31:54.826)

Michael Raleigh (31:55.095)

Michael Raleigh (31:59.234)
I mean, I'm at home at 10 o'clock, rarely am I out after that. It's just, there's nothing good for me out there after 10 o'clock.

Mike (32:01.505)
Mm-hmm. All right.

Mike (32:07.233)
Absolutely. Yeah.

Bill (32:08.071)
You know, it's, you know, it's funny as, I don't even know if I, I know, I don't like heard this before, but when I was, when I was living in Germantown, every Saturday I would, I'd go pick up my son, we'd go have lunch and then I go do my grocery shopping. And I do the same kind of like you said, same coffee shop, whatever, but I had the same pattern and Derek and I would always take about the same amount of time to eat that I did the same little run of my shopping. And the only way I realized that I was doing it.

almost, I mean, literally on time every weekend. I walked into the grocery store the one time and I always go back to the deli and get some of the, or the meat department. That's where I get the chicken or burgers or whatever. And I walked up and this lady that always had waited on me came out and she's like, she's like, oh, it must be two o'clock already. And I said, what are you talking about? She's like, you're here at like, a little bit before two or a little bit after two every Saturday. And I looked at my phone and it was, it was like,

you know, 204 or something like that. And then I started paying attention and I remember I posted on Facebook, kind of making a joke. I'm like, if anyone wants to like, you know, kill me or, you know, sniper, set a sniper out on me. I'm like, you can find me apparently every week at, you know, two o'clock at pick and save and in Germantown. I'm like, yeah, I'm not very, not very hard to find. I didn't realize how structured I was, but in the morning and stuff like that, even to this day, I know.

Mike (33:06.171)

Bill (33:30.654)
When I get up, I do the same thing. I get up, I go to the bathroom, I make my coffee, brush my teeth, put my contacts, and sit down, do my readings, do all these different things. And I'm done pretty much every single day with that whole process at the same time. I mean, within a matter of minutes. You know? And I'm talking about usually a five-minute window. The only thing there'll be a five-minute window is if, I don't know, if I just rustled around a little bit or had spilled my coffee or...

Mike (33:45.562)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, me too.

Michael Raleigh (33:47.959)

Bill (33:58.558)
spent a couple extra minutes on Facebook or something like that or Instagram, but it's so it is it's so structured. It's weird, but it's a good weird I think you know.

Mike (34:08.997)
Well, it's weird for us, but you know, I mean, it's a great example where we've become so fucking reliable that strangers can count on us, which is really fucking weird because nobody can fucking count on us.

Bill (34:23.181)
Right. Well, when we went to dinner a couple of weeks ago for Kathy's birthday, and the little surprise thing and whatever, and her friend Karen, who I've now known for years, and we were sitting down shooting the shit before Kathy got there, and I don't even remember what we were talking about, but she's like, oh shit, you're supposed to be having pizza, and then her friend Cheryl's like, yes, oh shit, it's tonight's pizza night. So now.

Mike (34:44.37)

Bill (34:45.182)
These are two of Kathy's friends who I've also known for years, you know, but even those individuals that I've known for a while, but everyone fucking knows I eat pizza on Friday night. Everyone knows, you know, all these different things. And it's just it again, weird, weird in a way. But like you said, you have just random fucking people now know our schedules. It's a it's not a bad thing, you know.

Mike (34:56.961)

Michael Raleigh (34:59.255)

Mike (35:06.517)
Yeah, but it's a great example that that's how we are successful at this thing. We, we are consistent. We're reliable. It's, it's fucking amazing.

Michael Raleigh (35:14.56)

Bill (35:16.859)
Right. I know.

Michael Raleigh (35:17.206)
Yeah, I mean someone could actually call us up and be like, hey, can you do this on this day? I'm like, yeah, and then you show up. I mean, that's ungodly. It's like, what do you mean? I'm gonna show up.

Mike (35:23.549)
Yeah, right.

Bill (35:25.706)

Mike (35:32.062)

Bill (35:32.275)
Yeah, it's tough sometimes because Mike and I always talk about that, you know, our first reaction in our head is somebody's like, can you help me or do you want to help me? No, I really don't want to, but I'm going to be there. I'll be there though.

Mike (35:42.652)

Michael Raleigh (35:42.659)

Mike (35:45.377)
But I will show up because they said they said show up.

Bill (35:49.914)
Right? Yeah, and I don't say that to people. I'm like, nah, I don't wanna do it, but I'll be there. But in my head, I'm like, I don't wanna, I'm like, I don't wanna fucking do this. I don't wanna fucking do this. I just don't.

Michael Raleigh (35:51.022)

Michael Raleigh (35:54.862)
But you want to, though.

Mike (35:56.289)

Michael Raleigh (35:58.946)

Mike (35:59.369)
Right. It's the first voice in my head every fucking time. Hell no, I don't want to do that.

Bill (36:05.478)
Right. Yeah. Yep. You're like, well, that you know what, that's every once in a while, I think technology is great. But I think technology can also be a pain in the ass. But thank God for texting and thank God for emails, because that gives me in a lot of cases, my time to pause. You know, I get a text like blah, this, do you want to be here? I'm like, oh, fuck me. And then, sure, what time?

Michael Raleigh (36:05.899)
What time?

Mike (36:07.485)
Right? Thank you.

Michael Raleigh (36:08.654)

Michael Raleigh (36:32.382)
Right, they don't know if I've seen this yet. I could wait a little bit.

Bill (36:36.311)
Right. Yeah, and that's the beauty of having an Android phone because we don't have bubbles that pop up when we're sitting there just staring at a text going, fuck, I don't want to answer this. But um, no.

Mike (36:36.654)

Michael Raleigh (36:48.702)
All right. I thought you were going to say it because text and email because you didn't have to talk to somebody all the time. It does.

Bill (36:54.098)
Well, you know what? I was gonna say, yeah, that helps too. There's certain people that, and everyone knows it with me too, I guess that's the other thing is that, people that I'll answer the phone for without even a question. If Mike calls me, I'd always pick up the phone. My kids, of course. Kathy knows that, you know, it's like over the years, nothing against her, but sometimes I don't wanna get into an hour long conversation and she knows it.

Mike (36:54.633)
Yeah, that helps too.

Bill (37:20.946)
You know, our mom, I would usually answer the phone, but the same deal, because I know that either one of them is gonna leave a message if they need me to call them back. And there's very few other people. Now, Michael, if you out of the blue, if my phone rang and it was you, I'd pick it up, because you and I don't talk on the phone very often. Or if Megan or any of our Cleveland friends called me out of the blue like that. Text, different story, but we'll text back and forth. But if I get a phone call from anyone, you bet your ass I'd pick it up, because that's...

That would be out of the ordinary, you know? And I'm not gonna be like, you know, fucking Michael, Jesus Christ. Ha ha ha. Well, I might then go, hey, Michael, how are you? Ha ha ha. Hi there. Ha ha.

Mike (37:50.59)

Michael Raleigh (37:51.1)

Mike (37:55.91)

Michael Raleigh (37:56.302)
Well, I would.

Mike (38:01.665)

Michael Raleigh (38:04.291)
All right. Well, this, this week you might not answered. You just, well, you know, he's canceling Friday. I ain't answering that.

Bill (38:06.978)
Yeah, you never know. You never know.

Right. Now, I wasn't worried about that because you see that I knew that I knew well enough with that. I never worried about any of I don't want to say all of our guests, but every one of our other guests that we don't know very well, there's always a question mark because we don't we don't know them very well. Some of the people that have been on we've met through, you know, Instagram and you know, through this podcast and things like that. So we've gotten to know them. But I anyone we've had, you know, now you, Megan, Tony Angel,

Mike (38:11.297)

Michael Raleigh (38:31.914)

Bill (38:40.682)
Who else did we have? Oh, Melissa, we didn't have Mara yet.

Mike (38:42.313)
Mara, Heidi. Oh yeah, that's right. We have it. She's just top of mind. Cause we're going to be dealing with her all next weekend.

Bill (38:49.61)
Eh. But yeah, we had Melissa and Heidi. None of those. I mean, none of you guys I ever even thought for a second that you wouldn't show up. You know, because I knew you would. You committed to it. You know? So. But anyhow, actually considering the, what do you think, Mike? Considering the time, shall we take a little break?

Michael Raleigh (38:57.29)
All right. Absolutely.

Mike (39:04.565)

You know what? Let's take a little break and we'll be back with more from the Keating Boys right after this word from our sponsor.

Bill (39:22.43)
Alright everyone, welcome back to the Keating Boys. That reminded me of the fucking Hardy Boys. Nobody knows what that is anymore. Nobody fucking knows what that is.

Mike (39:27.826)


Michael Raleigh (39:32.467)

Bill (39:39.156)
All right.

Michael Raleigh (39:39.434)
Oh, I was starting to laugh when you said that. You guys told me to be quiet. I was like, oh shit. Right.

Bill (39:41.846)
I know, I know. There's... Ha ha ha. Well, and here's the other thing too, is that we don't edit anything. So there's been times when Mike has stumbled into that break, I've stumbled into an opening, he's stumbled at the end. All we do is we fucking laugh and laugh at each other, and then we start over, and then we just don't, we don't edit it. We don't edit a fucking thing. So, but, all right. So we got through the summer, house father-ish.

Mike (39:45.106)
Right! Kinda why I do it.

Michael Raleigh (40:01.503)
Oh yeah.

Bill (40:11.666)
When did your, when did your wife jump on you? Cause that's, she chased you if I remember correctly. I know she did.

Michael Raleigh (40:16.63)
You know, she did. And, you know, they, well, they, they told me they're like no relationships for years, what they say. And so I was trying to.

Bill (40:23.48)

Mike (40:24.369)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Bill (40:28.926)

Mike (40:29.025)

Michael Raleigh (40:31.442)
to follow that rule, but like I said, my sobriety day, I got there in July and in June of 2011, the following year, they had the 50-50 raffle and she was there and it was like 30 days before and I never met her. I've seen, she was actually a member of my home group and I've seen her there, but you know, I was, I'm shy and all that.

Bill (40:59.69)

Michael Raleigh (41:00.674)
So I wasn't going to say nothing. And then her cousin was actually there at the time. And he's just come up and was like, hey, my cousin over there, I'm fucking you all day.

Mike (41:10.625)
hehehehehehe hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehehehe hehehehehe hehehehehe hehehe hehehe he he

Michael Raleigh (41:14.754)
So I'm like, really? So the next Friday, this was probably on a Sunday. So that next Friday at our home group, I was there an hour early waiting. So.

Mike (41:25.438)
Good for you!

Bill (41:26.091)
I was gonna say just like any good American male would do, why the fuck I'd get there two hours early just in case.

Michael Raleigh (41:33.51)
All right. And, uh, so yeah, I went up to her. I've got the nerve, went up to her and, and like I said, this was 30 days before I was, would have had a year, almost 30 days. And, but I was like, you know what? I like her and I want to see, I want to get to know her. And, um, so we went on our first date and this is when we were all living together at Cecilia. And, uh, I had that old beat up rusted up truck.

Mike (41:49.75)

Mike (41:56.574)

Bill (42:00.618)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Michael Raleigh (42:02.09)
And I went and picked her up because she was at the G Marie house. So I couldn't pick her up from there. So, right. 30 years old, we're sneaking around. And, uh, so I pulled up in this beat up truck at the library and she's like, Oh my goodness, you got a truck. And I'm like, I was like, what? You seen this truck? Hopefully I don't run over any puddles.

Mike (42:06.241)

Bill (42:23.197)

Mike (42:23.681)

Michael Raleigh (42:32.018)
You're gonna be wet. But I was nervous. Oh, it was always horrible. Yeah, but it was given to me, you know, as a gift because of a family friend. And they're like, you know what, you're gonna need a car. You're doing good. You're starting to work. But so we go on this date, I was so nervous. And, you know, I was stopped at green lights. And I was running red lights.

Mike (42:32.181)

Bill (42:33.125)
I do remember that the floor on that didn't it? It had holes in the floor, didn't it?

Bill (42:44.403)

Mike (42:47.006)

Mike (42:55.509)

Bill (42:58.384)

Michael Raleigh (42:58.918)
And it was just, you know, and then we went to, uh, I took her to Malley's in Lakewood and, uh, her friends at the G Marie. He was like, don't get anything. You're going to spill everywhere. And, uh, so she got a malt and we're driving to Lakewood park. We're going to go watch the sunset and she's poked a hole in the side of the cup with her straw and it was leaking all over the place inside the truck.

Mike (43:15.541)

Bill (43:24.426)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Mike (43:25.987)

Michael Raleigh (43:27.798)
But yeah, and ever since then, I'm like, wow, she's amazing. And, you know, I'd never got good reception at Cecilia. I'd go out on a porch, talk to her every night. And, you know, she's been...

Bill (43:31.114)
Ha ha ha!

Mike (43:37.822)

Michael Raleigh (43:43.15)
Probably my biggest help in all this, doing this with somebody, and which ended up working, I mean.

Mike (43:46.143)

Michael Raleigh (43:54.646)
When Cecilia house, they shut it down. And this was like at the end of August. And I'm like, well, what the heck am I going to do? And she had just gotten an apartment and she's like, well, why don't we just move in together? And we did. And probably within like a week, I knew I wanted a Marrior and, uh, yeah, it was just, we had, we had a really good time. And.

Mike (43:57.2)

Mike (44:17.473)
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehe hehehe

Bill (44:17.478)

Michael Raleigh (44:24.51)
You know, it's been, it'll be six days, it'll be 10 years.

Mike (44:30.299)
I know. Hehehehehehehehehehe.

Bill (44:31.219)
Right? Yeah, which is crazy. Well, and when we were at, when we finally, you know, kind of, I guess, cornered you with the, the clam bake and, because we had talked to you about coming on here. Shit, that was almost a year ago, I think we were trying to get you on here. And, you know, I knew you were busy and all that stuff and then getting through the summer, but then I was giving you certain dates because I'm like, you know, either tonight, obviously the 10th or the 16th and-

Michael Raleigh (44:31.554)

Michael Raleigh (44:34.858)
I know.

Michael Raleigh (44:43.307)

Bill (44:57.182)
You're like, nope, that's my anniversary. I'm going to be out of town. I'm like, I thought it was the 13th. So I was almost like arguing with you about your fucking anniversary, which I wasn't. It just, I handed to my head. I don't know why the, why the 13th I had in my head. Um, but probably, I mean, you got married in 2013, but, um, you know, that was, had you ever been to a sober wedding before that, Mike, before that one?

Michael Raleigh (45:03.68)

Mike (45:03.829)

Mike (45:20.041)
Uh, no, I don't think so.

Michael Raleigh (45:20.449)

Bill (45:22.466)
I never had been that. Yeah, which was, which was, to your own wedding.

Michael Raleigh (45:23.398)
I haven't. I didn't even want to go.

Mike (45:24.595)

Mike (45:28.389)

Michael Raleigh (45:30.522)
I mean, yeah, I've never been.

Bill (45:31.814)
So now to begin with, and maybe you tell how it was set up, so that was there ever a question that your wedding was gonna be alcohol free or was it a plan for alcohol or how did that whole thing come up?

Michael Raleigh (45:46.23)
Um, we just, I mean, we don't drink. If you're going to be there for us, or you're not going to come. You're, I mean, I, I'm not, yeah, I'm just, it is what it is. If you, if, if you're not going to come there to support the love that we have for each other, then because there's not alcohol there, then I don't want you there anyways. And it's sad because there's actually a bunch, I mean, not because of that day.

Mike (45:51.602)

Mike (46:10.345)

Mike (46:16.033)

Michael Raleigh (46:16.31)
But in my life, there's like family members that I don't talk to anymore because, you know, they've told me like, hey, like in my early sobriety, if you come here, we're gonna be drinking. So it's up to you. And I'm like, well, if you can't take two hours out of your day for me to come visit and not drink, you know, this early in my sobriety, then you know what? I'm not gonna come. I mean, now it wouldn't bother me if I was around them, but.

Mike (46:33.537)

Mike (46:39.873)
All right.

Michael Raleigh (46:44.47)
Back then I just, I wasn't taking that chance.

Bill (46:46.706)
Right. Well, and I mean, at that time, too, I mean, I got, I'll say I got, man, not even lucky. Just I was, I was fortunate enough. And then obviously, Mike, you know, became fortunate enough when just he got kind of wrapped into our whole family is that, you know, I mean, everyone was probably more respectful than they needed to be in that early time, which is cool. We've talked about that the first Thanksgiving.

Mike (46:47.105)

Mike (47:02.273)

Bill (47:13.618)
my mom and my uncle decided to do an alcohol free, you know. Christmas, I said, you guys just do what you do. I'm cool and had a plan and whatever it was. And now even at family events, I mean, nobody, I've never been to a family event and we have never been at a family event where anyone's gotten, you know, stupid drunk to a rude point, you know. And I don't even think people have overdone it. Jody and James's wedding, you know, I think people were drinking, but.

Mike (47:30.433)

Mike (47:35.583)


Bill (47:41.446)
Nobody got stupid. It was a wedding. They were drinking. It was cool. It was fine. You know? But the thing of it was is that, you know, people were just respectful of it, you know? And I think that makes a huge difference, you know, especially in early sobriety, is just give somebody the choice. And like you said, Michael, I mean, you know, somebody can't just, you know, lay off it for, you know, a couple of minutes while you're there, or whatever, especially at that time. You know, I mean, that kind of says something, you know?

Michael Raleigh (47:43.982)

Michael Raleigh (48:06.758)
Yeah. And I mean, we ended up, I mean, there was going to be a majority of people there were in AA anyways, you know? So, I mean, I wasn't going to try to put them at risk either. Um, so we just, we like, we know what, we'll just do coffee. No, we found that guy, that poor guy. We found, we found, he never did another one again. Yeah.

Mike (48:14.133)

Mike (48:18.282)

Mike (48:22.197)

Mike (48:26.201)
Yeah, I remember that poor son of a bitch. Right.

Bill (48:30.584)
I remember you saying that. So that dude and just for everyone else, it was a, and maybe my memory is wrong, but it reminded me of like a popcorn or a hot dog cart, right? You know, longer, oversized maybe, but it was that type of setup that the guy had. It was like a mobile, you know, little roll around coffee shop.

Michael Raleigh (48:47.404)

Bill (48:51.29)
And I think he had what four or five different options. And there weren't many. So he's going into it, trying to make it easy on himself. But you've got, how many people were at your wedding? I mean, do you remember?

Michael Raleigh (49:04.982)
Oh, there was probably 110 maybe I think.

Mike (49:07.998)
Yeah, that's about right.

Bill (49:08.398)
Okay, and probably 80 of them were alcoholics. You know. Oh, that in that there was, there was a line in no shit, everyone, there was a line for coffee, like you'd see at a beer line at any event you'd ever go at. Um, you know, that's what it was. And this guy was, he had a French press, so he's making each individual cup, which that's, that was mistake number one. Wait, maybe mistake number two, but. And then, you know, so we'll go up there and I'm looking, I'm like, if I'm, I think I got a regular cup of coffee. And I'm like,

Michael Raleigh (49:12.638)
Right, they were drinking coffee.

Mike (49:14.944)

Michael Raleigh (49:29.998)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.

Bill (49:38.394)
I had never had an espresso before, so I'm like, I'm gonna try an espresso. So I try it and I'm like, well, this is kind of disappointing, just a little fucking cup of coffee. I took a drink of it, I'm like, holy motherfucker. So I was sitting over there, I poured my other cup, I'm cutting it with water. I had two espressos that night and I was fucking wired. And I mean, I'm not like some fucking coffee amateur man, but that shit fucking, oh, it killed me. But it was so much fun.

Michael Raleigh (50:05.494)

Bill (50:08.354)
It was so much fun.

Mike (50:10.847)

Michael Raleigh (50:12.21)
I was glad you guys were able to be a part of it for sure.

Mike (50:14.553)
Oh yeah, it was great. Well, I mean, you know, and we actually told him I'm here before and I used to use it group all the time in your vows. Michael, you vowed to make your bed, to make the marital bed every day. There was were in your vows, man. And we were sitting there in the pews and Bill and I looked at each other and just smiled our asses off because we knew what that was about, man. It was beautiful.

Bill (50:26.654)

Michael Raleigh (50:37.518)
All right, all right. And you know, most of the times that she's, why get up before her and I leave? But if there's ever a time where, you know, I'm home and she's not, then I'd make that bed.

Bill (50:38.361)

Mike (50:44.661)
Hehehe Mhm

Mike (50:53.021)

Bill (50:53.286)
Right? Well, and Mike had talked about it before. I mean, well, you can tell the story, Mike. You drove, you were in a truck for years after you got sober and you had a bed in there,

Mike (51:01.973)
Right. Yeah. There was a bunk in the back that no one ever saw. And that bunk was made every day before I climbed up to the front of that truck to drive it and got my, put my ass in that seat. That bunk in the back was made because it was, you know, again, routine. Um, you know, I mean, I'm home now every night and trust me, I don't leave the house without the bed being made. It just doesn't happen.

Bill (51:27.53)
Right? Yeah, and I mean, I lived alone for years. There was nobody in the fucking world that would tell me either to do my dishes or put away my shit or make my bed or do my readings, but I just, yeah, I made my bed every day. I have never missed it unless I, you know, washing the sheets in the morning. Then I've done this before. I've actually made the bed. I'm like, yeah, I think I gotta wash the sheets and I have to fucking rip everything off to make it again. But I made the bed first, you know? So...

Mike (51:37.055)

Michael Raleigh (51:53.258)
and tear it apart.

Mike (51:53.361)
Unmake the bed. Right.

Bill (51:57.79)
But yeah, the wedding itself, and I remember that. I know both Mike and I were sitting there, and I know he'll admit it too, just getting all fucking choked up with both of you guys up there. Because that priest, if I remember, was talking a little bit about, it was church stuff, and then it was recovery stuff. And I remember it being very intertwined in there. And it was just beautiful. It was a great service, it really was.

Mike (52:08.571)
Uh huh.

Michael Raleigh (52:23.402)
Well, thank you. And that's why we went with him. Cause we felt, I mean, we, we felt like we could tell that guy anything and he knew our whole stories. And yeah, it was just, for me, it was definitely a great day.

Mike (52:29.621)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Bill (52:36.946)
Right. Well, and then when the music with you guys walking out was like an instrumental Led Zeppelin song, right? So the songs play and Mike and I were, we were sitting next to each other in the pew. And then as we're standing up, so Mike's actually standing in front of me and the song starts playing. I just kind of like snuck up behind the back of his head and I'm just like.

Mike (52:37.304)

Michael Raleigh (52:47.507)
Absolutely, yeah.

Mike (52:49.445)

Bill (53:05.274)
Oh, darlin darlin. And he's like, he's like, shut the fuck up. But he started singing Led Zeppelin in his ear. But no, it was just it was fucking beautiful. Yeah, because again, not everyone knows that, but both Michael and Megan are huge Led Zeppelin fans. So it was it was appropriate, but it was beautiful. The whole the whole day was beautiful. It was just it was it was wonderful. And it was so well.

Mike (53:08.245)


Michael Raleigh (53:17.632)
Excuse me.

Mike (53:31.48)

Bill (53:34.65)
again, November 16th, you know, so a day when it could have been freezing. But I don't remember it being like it got colder at night. But I mean, that the service itself, it was I think it was a nice day, if I remember correctly.

Michael Raleigh (53:45.622)
It was overcast, but yeah, it was definitely like 50 degrees. It was for a while. It was it was great We definitely got lucky

Mike (53:48.895)

Bill (53:50.682)
Right. Oh yeah, definitely. Yeah, especially at that time of the year. So, okay. So you're all both of you all sobered up. She finally ran you down, got married. And then we're at a... I know. You're like, ooh, cramp, I got a cramp. But then we're playing poker one night and we got another surprise, right?

Michael Raleigh (54:06.454)
Well, let me say I wasn't I wasn't running too fast for her. I was going to let her catch me.

Mike (54:09.954)
Mm-hmm. Hehehehehehehehe.

Michael Raleigh (54:14.05)

Mike (54:18.422)

Bill (54:20.794)
Michael? Yeah.

Mike (54:21.085)
Yeah, that was beautiful, man. The cards. Yeah.

Michael Raleigh (54:21.657)

Michael Raleigh (54:27.783)
Yeah, I remember the shirt. I don't remember.

Bill (54:30.27)
Really? You don't remember the cards?

Michael Raleigh (54:32.38)

Mike (54:32.405)
The card, a card was dealt that it said something about there's a baby on the way. Yeah. We're all sitting around and we're like, Oh shit.

Michael Raleigh (54:37.71)
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Bill (54:43.788)

Michael Raleigh (54:44.702)
Right. And I had to, yeah. Yeah. You know, we, I guess we planned it. I mean, it's not, it didn't happen on accident. We, you know, we, I mean, like I said, I was 44. She's eight. So I was 36, you know, and Megan, she's like, was 34. And I probably shouldn't have said that on, on here, but whatever. Uh.

Mike (54:51.837)

Bill (54:52.362)

Mike (55:03.694)

Bill (55:12.422)
Ha ha ha! She'll get over it.

Michael Raleigh (55:14.73)
And I'm like, I just, I don't want to be working when I'm 70, you know, and she didn't either, so we're, we're like, let's, let's have a, let's have a child. And, um, you know, she's, she's great. She's a pain in my ass, but she's great. And then everyone's like, Oh, you got to have another one. They'll keep each other occupied. And that's a lie. Let me just tell you, that's a lie. It's a lie, but, uh,

Mike (55:18.069)

Mike (55:29.717)

Bill (55:31.25)

Bill (55:35.774)

Mike (55:35.854)

Bill (55:38.73)

Mike (55:38.794)

Michael Raleigh (55:44.522)
No, they're really both great. And I mean, I just can't say how blessed I've been. You know, every, I'm like a normal like person and like what you would see in like, uh, in, in the movies or something, just the, the family that seems perfect. Obviously we're not, but, um, there's just, there's right. There's nothing I would change. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Mike (55:56.19)

Mike (56:07.605)

Bill (56:08.848)
None of us are.

Michael Raleigh (56:15.39)
And, you know, and since we met, I mean, we've walked with each other through this whole process and, um, you know, she's, she's got on me about things that I've haven't done, you know, as far as recovery and like, you should, you need to go to a meeting or, or whatnot. And, uh, and I do the same to her.

Mike (56:42.614)

Michael Raleigh (56:44.19)
Other than that, I mean, our, our sobriety lives are pretty, they're pretty separate.

Mike (56:50.722)
Right? Yeah. But, but you keep yourself accountable, which is what we all do to each other, you know, to one degree or another. Yeah. You just happen to have it in house.

Michael Raleigh (56:53.726)
Oh, absolutely. Great.

Michael Raleigh (57:01.002)
Right. And then I can't say, well, and I can't say no, that's, it's not against, that's against the rules.

Bill (57:01.366)
in-house counsel. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Well, let's put it this way. You could, but with possible consequences.

Mike (57:09.043)

Michael Raleigh (57:14.686)
Right, but I mean, like what we talked about earlier, it's, she said do something, and I just wanna be like, I think about it in my head, no, but I say okay.

Mike (57:21.941)
Hmm. Right. Because, uh, yeah, practicing these principles and all of our affairs. Absolutely. You know, right. This is this, the shit we have to do no matter what, you know, you suggested to do something or told to do something and, you know, yeah, I don't want to fuck you, but I'm going to do it. Yeah. Right. And, and our lives are better for it. And we know that deep down.

Michael Raleigh (57:34.988)

Michael Raleigh (57:44.413)

Mike (57:50.109)
You know, our brains, our stupid thoughts, you know, that fuck you, that we think instantly. Um, we know that that's wrong. We know to just get up off our ass and do what we need to do. And our lives are better for it. We know that. So it's, you know, exactly.

Michael Raleigh (57:56.02)

Michael Raleigh (58:04.754)
And everybody else's is too.

Bill (58:06.502)
Right? Well, and that's the thing too that, and Mike and I have talked about that on here and whether it would be him or anyone specifically from our whole group, if anyone ever made a suggestion to me when it came to my recovery, I would take it seriously because I know that, again, all you guys would have, whatever it was, you'd have my best interest in mind. And Mike and I have spent...

you know, a ton of time together and live together in the same room and the place together the whole bit. And we say it every once in a while, we'll bring it up. And I mean, he and I have never been in any sort of argument, tiff, anything like that. And which is, which is weird, but in a good way, you know, but I've never taken anything, he's never said anything to me. And I don't think he would say anything to me that would intentionally try to hurt me. You know, I don't think he'd ever try to intentionally hurt me.

Mike (58:38.305)

Mike (59:01.748)

Bill (59:03.482)
And even if it hurt, you know, or I didn't want to hear it, I would know for a fact he was doing it to try to help me not hurt me. You know, so that's the whole, that's a cool thing. And I mean, from a, I have not been in, you know, any sort of long-term relationship since I've been sober and no sort of relationship for a long-term with somebody who had long-term sobriety, you know, who's at, where I've been in that position where somebody's, you know, been able to, in a position to give me a suggestion like that.

Michael Raleigh (59:10.807)

Bill (59:32.722)
That might be a little weird maybe in a husband-wife situation, but I think that, you know, hopefully with the, that whole, that next thing, the fact that you got the sobriety there on top of that makes it, again, you know, that one way or the other, that other person has the, you know, your best interest and our best interest in mind, you know.

Michael Raleigh (59:33.39)
All right.

Michael Raleigh (59:50.7)

Bill (59:51.826)
So unless she's really pissed at you and just like, get out of my sight, go to a meeting. Yeah. But then at that point I'd be like, I'm more than happy to go to a meeting. You're probably fine. You're probably fine to go to a meeting. But so the kids come along and you guys were still, when Emma was born, you were still in the apartment, am I correct or when did you buy the house afterwards? Yes.

Michael Raleigh (59:55.498)
Oh, that happens. That, and it's my fault. It's definitely my fault.

Mike (59:56.745)
Well, sure. Right.

Michael Raleigh (01:00:03.087)


Michael Raleigh (01:00:17.418)
Oh, no, we, she was, she got pregnant. We were in the apartment and then, uh, we bought the house December of 14 and she was born in May of 15.

Mike (01:00:20.639)

Bill (01:00:26.782)
Oh, okay. I just I couldn't remember what happened first, but yeah, so you guys

Mike (01:00:27.21)

Mike (01:00:30.849)
Nope, we moved out there before the kid came.

Michael Raleigh (01:00:31.264)

Bill (01:00:34.758)
Yeah, and thankfully I had moved out already. That was one thing I didn't get a chance to help out with, which, sorry about that. Well, here's the thing. Here's the thing, we talked about this before. Would I have wanted to know would I have been there? Yes. I mean, that's being as honest as I can be. I hate fucking moving. I don't like moving myself or anybody else, but well, that's a thing that...

Michael Raleigh (01:00:35.535)
Yeah, in the snow.

Mike (01:00:36.833)
Yeah! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Michael Raleigh (01:00:42.146)
Nah, let's play. Yeah, no kidding.

Mike (01:00:42.651)
No, you're not

Michael Raleigh (01:00:51.281)
Absolutely you would have.

Mike (01:00:52.814)

Michael Raleigh (01:00:57.083)
Oh, I hate it too.

Mike (01:00:59.733)
The best part was taking the couch out the second floor window. There are pictures. There's a picture. It's beautiful.

Michael Raleigh (01:01:04.368)
Oh, yeah, right.

Bill (01:01:05.558)
Oh, I remember hearing about that. I remember hearing about that. Ha ha ha.

Michael Raleigh (01:01:10.73)
Yeah, there is. I don't, you know, I don't see a lot of those pictures. I don't have social media anymore, so I don't see a lot of those pictures anymore.

Mike (01:01:16.403)

Bill (01:01:19.006)
Well, and you know what, for the most part, with the exception of this fabulous podcast and all the stupid shit that we post, that's really funny though, on Instagram, you're not missing much on social media. Social media is a fucking shit show, but it serves its purpose. I'm not on my personal Facebook page hardly at all. I mean, I pop in there once or twice a day just to kind of keep caught up on, because there's still a bunch of our sober friends and family and things like that I'm connected with, but...

Mike (01:01:30.132)

Michael Raleigh (01:01:46.478)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Bill (01:01:48.634)
I spend very little time on my personal page, but I spend a lot of time on our Instagram page for this, the sober, not mature stuff. And that's a, that could be, you know, that's a part-time job in and of itself, but a lot of it's fun. We've got a lot of great people on there, but yeah, social media is kind of a, it's a shit show, pretty much. So yet, how long have you actually been off of, I can see you on Facebook in a while, right?

Mike (01:02:07.009)

Michael Raleigh (01:02:13.755)
Oh God, it's been over two and a half years maybe. Yeah.

Mike (01:02:17.693)
I was going to say over two years. Yeah. Good for you.

Bill (01:02:17.874)
Has it really? Damn. Yeah, really, really. You know what? Kimmy's mom, my first ex, she's never been on any social media. No Facebook, no Instagram, nothing. She's never been, which is crazy to me, but you know, because I mean, it seemed like everyone at least got on Facebook at the beginning, you know?

Michael Raleigh (01:02:22.122)
Yeah, I just.

Michael Raleigh (01:02:42.418)
Yeah, I didn't have Facebook until I was already sober for over a year. I mean, I know, I don't even know when it came out like 2009. So I think I lasted two years before I got it.

Mike (01:02:49.502)

Bill (01:02:50.264)

Bill (01:02:54.458)
I think.

Mike (01:02:57.729)

Bill (01:02:59.347)
Right. Well, yeah, I guess that's true. I didn't get it until I was like nine months, yeah, nine, ten months over, I think. But, and to begin with, the only reason I got it was because I thought I was, my plan was obviously to ultimately move back to Wisconsin. And only reason I was going to, you know, keep in touch with you guys out there was my only initial purpose. And, you know, then it turns into everything else. But yeah, it's social media. It's a.

It's a trip. Every once in a while we get fun comments and things like that we'll read on here. So most of them are good, but every once in a while we get some, just some fucked up individual that'll comment about something as, some person has no sense of humor. So then Mike and I will read off the comment and make fun of them. Ha ha ha.

Mike (01:03:40.986)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Michael Raleigh (01:03:43.721)
They just must be mature.

Bill (01:03:45.818)
Right? Yeah, exactly. Well, and that's the thing. If somebody even happens along, you know, and sees our page, they're sober, not mature. What do you expect? I mean, really, you know, it's just, I don't know.

Michael Raleigh (01:03:50.47)
Alright, it is.

Mike (01:03:51.454)

Michael Raleigh (01:03:59.63)
Mm-hmm. Right. Yeah. And that's the thing, man. I got sober. I didn't get sober to be, to have like a boring life, you know? I got sober to have fun. You know, I treat people different. I don't drink, obviously. I take care of my family as best as I can. And...

Mike (01:04:14.209)

Michael Raleigh (01:04:28.33)
You know, I'm going to have fun. Damn it. You know, it's yeah, I'm serious. It's you can't live that way. You still got to have fun. And I was at the end at the end. I wasn't even having fun. Anyways, that was miserable.

Bill (01:04:30.19)
Right? Ha! Damn it! Right?

Mike (01:04:30.89)

Mike (01:04:39.806)

Oh, right. Oh, lonely, dark, horrible. Exactly. Right. Yeah. This is much better. You know, I'm comfortable and, and hell hell, half the time I'm even happy.

Bill (01:04:43.174)
Oh god yeah, right?

Michael Raleigh (01:04:49.521)

Michael Raleigh (01:04:52.769)

Bill (01:05:00.327)
I know. Well, in, you know, the thing.

Michael Raleigh (01:05:01.046)
We don't want that. I know. I walk around with a smile all the time.

Mike (01:05:03.385)
Well, I just don't know how to handle it. Right. What is this feeling? This is strange.

Michael Raleigh (01:05:12.407)
I know. Right. I know.

Bill (01:05:14.75)
Well, in this, in the whole group of people that we have and when, because I didn't get, I didn't get in on the whole poker playing thing right away. And then I moved back to Wisconsin shortly after that. But I mean, I don't know if I think people have, you know, since I've been, you know, or since we've been doing this thing, you know, we talk about that going back. I don't even think I've been back for poker more than a couple of times in the last year and a half, but I, that's a, that's a big deal to me. I love it because number one, to begin with, and I remember the,

Michael Raleigh (01:05:38.305)

Bill (01:05:44.702)
first game that I got invited to when you guys still had your apartment and you know, somebody's like the buy-in is 15 bucks. I'm like 15 bucks. And I mean, I hadn't played poker in years, but I know the concept. I wasn't necessarily ever a good poker player, you know, but I'm like, fuck it, man. It's 15 bucks. So I'm betting it. I'm raising it in every single one. I was fucking out in like 30 minutes. I mean, literally fucking done. And I remember Bree was next to me. She's like, she's like, why do you keep raising? God damn it. I'm like,

Mike (01:06:06.881)

Bill (01:06:13.746)
What does it matter? It's $15. I kind of lost the whole concept of it. And then now I don't think I've necessarily gotten any better, I just, I play smarter, that's all. And I don't better a goddamn hand and I certainly don't raise everything. I've always understood the concept, but it's not even about that. It is, no, it's great to walk out there with a little bit of money. It's great to hang out when you're down to the last handful of people at least, but.

Michael Raleigh (01:06:19.171)

Mike (01:06:25.311)

Bill (01:06:42.075)
It's a wonderful thing that we do as a group, just a bunch of sober people, cracking jokes, acting stupid, having fun. It's just, it's great.

Michael Raleigh (01:06:50.91)
Yeah, eating food and I don't think anybody really had the concept in the beginning. That's why it's called symbols instead of suits.

Bill (01:06:52.346)

Mike (01:06:52.568)

Bill (01:06:58.482)

Mike (01:06:58.825)
Right. Well, yeah. Right. For those of you listening, um, right. We, we had some real novices when we first started and, um, you know, some of the girl, uh, who was it? Yeah, that's right. It was. Yeah. She's, she didn't call him suits. She called them symbols. What are the symbols mean?

Michael Raleigh (01:07:13.838)
That was Kayla.

Bill (01:07:15.579)
Or was it? Ha ha ha.

Bill (01:07:21.042)

Michael Raleigh (01:07:23.038)
Right. And then what was it over the river was another question.

Mike (01:07:32.306)
Right. What I mean, it started so organically too, cause we, you guys had a New Year's Eve party, that's where it started at the apartment. Yeah. Right. And we were actually, we started playing another game first. I don't even remember it, but it was, I know it was kind of fun.

Michael Raleigh (01:07:39.374)
for it. F, yeah.

Michael Raleigh (01:07:47.414)
Oh, it was the left, right center, I think. Or screw your neighbor, one of the two. But it was definitely a learning curve because that first game, it lasted to like six in the morning because we kept allowing buy-ins. And we can't work. We're old. We can't do this anymore.

Mike (01:07:50.429)
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Something like that.

Mike (01:07:59.197)
Yeah. Right.

Bill (01:07:59.218)

Bill (01:08:04.958)

Mike (01:08:05.433)
You got it right. And I've got 10 years on you. So more than that actually. Right. Yeah. And I was there until six in the fucking morning playing poker, man. Oh yeah. It was, uh, Oh, I remember this situation. I don't like this.

Bill (01:08:08.646)
Yeah, really, really.

Michael Raleigh (01:08:15.546)
Right? Yeah. The fucking birds start chirping. You're like, holy fuck, I haven't had this in a long time.

Michael Raleigh (01:08:28.047)
Right. I think I'm gonna go to bed.

Bill (01:08:31.572)
I don't, you know what, I don't even think I've, I'm trying to think of, I've, I don't think I've stayed up all night since I've been sober, that I can recall. I mean, something like that, I suppose I will, no, I wouldn't, I wouldn't even want to do that. That wouldn't be any fun for me to be up that fucking late because I, I would be such a crab because then, then I'd be like, okay, I got shit to do today. So I go home.

Michael Raleigh (01:08:44.994)

Mike (01:08:45.407)

Bill (01:08:51.55)
get like three hours of sleep and then be fucking miserable all day, you know? So.

Mike (01:08:54.793)

Michael Raleigh (01:08:55.506)
Oh, I can't do it. There's no way.

Bill (01:08:57.362)
Right, right. But no, I mean, the poker has always been a lot of fun. And then when was that? Was that was that six, seven years ago that we all three of us went to the casino when I was back for our anniversary weekend? That's it. I think so, yeah.

Mike (01:08:57.405)

Mike (01:09:10.485)

Michael Raleigh (01:09:11.598)
Has it been that long? Oh, we're going to have to do that again.

Bill (01:09:15.859)

Mike (01:09:16.229)
It's five years anyway, for sure.

Bill (01:09:18.63)
I would say at least because that was well, again, everything now pre pandemic, that's three, you know, in two, three years before that.

Mike (01:09:23.818)

Michael Raleigh (01:09:24.968)
Oh yeah.

Mike (01:09:26.857)
Yeah, and it was, yeah, right. So about five, yeah. And we went down there and as any good alcoholic and drug addict would do, we went down there and ate until we made ourselves sick.

Bill (01:09:33.386)

Oh, it was. And what again, what's the name of that casino? I always forget the Jack Jacks. Yeah, so I was back in town and it was would have been for mine and Mike's anniversary were in April and then Michael's and Michael's in July and we're Yeah, it's, it almost doesn't even matter anymore. I mean, I was

Michael Raleigh (01:09:38.542)
God, that was horrible. Yeah.

Mike (01:09:41.728)

Michael Raleigh (01:09:53.962)
Yeah, I'm way, way behind.

Mike (01:09:57.198)

Bill (01:10:00.43)
Well, even to this point, I mean, I always say that Mike and I are sober the same amount of time, unless I feel like fucking with him about the four days. But so, I just remember I wanted to go, I'm like, let's go do something, let's go eat. And I was thinking just some like, I don't know, all you can eat, I don't know, whatever buffet type of thing. And then I don't even know how it came out to the, that we went to the casino, but she gave us a deal too. She gave us like the.

Mike (01:10:00.781)
Hehehehe, nope.

Michael Raleigh (01:10:07.958)

Mike (01:10:07.969)

Mike (01:10:26.431)

Bill (01:10:27.102)
I don't know if we were like some gold club or casino member. So rather than paying like $35, who paid like 28, which is still kind of a lot of money. But until you see the fucking spread of food they have. I was like, oh, my God. And they had that every type of from Italian food to Asian food, to steak, to American. I mean, hamburgers, steak, prime rib. I mean, like steaks. They had steaks, right? If I'm remembering correctly.

Mike (01:10:36.786)

Mike (01:10:40.225)

Michael Raleigh (01:10:40.338)
Oh, it's ridiculous.

Mike (01:10:54.917)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Michael Raleigh (01:10:55.442)
Oh, they had everything.

Bill (01:10:56.402)
Yeah, they had fucking everything. And we did, all three of us. We just kept fucking going back up, eating, coming back, going back up. And we all went out front. And Michael, I don't know if you were still smoking at the time, but I know Mike and I went out, so I would have a cigarette. And literally I'm walking out the door and I felt like I wanted to cry. I hurt so bad. I mean, I'm just, I'm standing there and I'm like, I think I want to lay down. That's the only way I'm going to feel better.

Mike (01:11:17.665)

Michael Raleigh (01:11:18.939)
That was horrible!

Mike (01:11:24.118)

Bill (01:11:25.074)
Because in, I've been full before, but I don't think I've ever been that fucking full.

Michael Raleigh (01:11:30.402)
Well, I mean, you spent $28. You're trying to get your money's worth.

Mike (01:11:33.777)
Oh yeah, right. I'm going to eat $40 worth of food.

Bill (01:11:34.118)
Yeah. Oh, it was crazy good. And then, yeah, we're like, oh, we'll go back in there and play. And then we saw Marty there. We saw Indo there and his wife. We saw a couple of other people. Michelle, I think, was there with Marty. But yeah, it was a great time. It was a lot of fun. We should do that again. Yeah, coming up in April. April, we'll do that.

Michael Raleigh (01:11:37.014)
Alright, and it was damn good!

Michael Raleigh (01:11:42.347)

Michael Raleigh (01:11:46.69)

Mike (01:11:50.574)

Michael Raleigh (01:11:52.63)


Michael Raleigh (01:11:58.722)
Got me in. All right, I'll make sure it's okay with the wife. She won't care. Anytime I got things to do with a couple people in my life and you are two of them, she says go.

Bill (01:11:59.602)
Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Right.

Mike (01:11:59.773)
It's a date.

Mike (01:12:10.593)

Bill (01:12:12.15)
Well, because she knows at least she can trust us, right? Well, she knows who we are, that's all that it is. She can't necessarily trust us. So as you were kind of going through and all sort of things, and Mike and I talk about a lot of different stuff, I mean, just things that pop off the top of our heads, but I don't know. Anything you want to share as far as any?

Michael Raleigh (01:12:15.146)
Absolutely. Yeah, right.

Mike (01:12:15.549)
Right. Hmm. Heheheheheheheheh.

Bill (01:12:38.746)
Any struggle moments, any tough moments, anything that you do to kind of keep your head straight, anything sobriety related that you've learned over the years, things that have helped you or hurt you or whatever. I don't know. It's your, it's your time, I guess, is the way, what I'm trying to say, you know.

Michael Raleigh (01:12:55.454)
Um, I mean, it's some struggles. I mean, I was, I think I was two years sober at the time and my grandmother passed and that was hard and her funeral ended up being, it was in West Virginia. And my, all my family are there, they're drinking and, um, but I mean, I didn't necessarily, I didn't necessarily want to drink.

Bill (01:13:08.771)

Michael Raleigh (01:13:23.646)
or anything like that, it's just...

dealing with something like that and not drinking. It was always, well, I gotta get drunk or, or this or that. I don't, I don't, I don't, these feelings. I can't feel this. I'm not dealing with this. So that was probably the first time I ever had any kind of, um, life event to come up to where I had to really sit back and think. But, um, but yes, struggling. It's.

Mike (01:13:34.817)

Bill (01:13:39.756)

Michael Raleigh (01:13:56.126)
I mean, I live a simple life. Um, I guess recently at work with this whole issue two thing here in Ohio, a lot of guys are like, you know, are, are you, are you going to, are you going to start smoking? And I'm like, Oh my God, I, you know, I, I'm 40 about to be 45 years old. I really don't have a desire. It's been so long and, um, and it's just.

Mike (01:14:13.173)

Bill (01:14:13.682)

Mike (01:14:20.074)

Michael Raleigh (01:14:26.39)
You know, there's, I just got so many people I could call.

So yeah, I mean, I don't really, as far as any type of struggles or anything, I just.

No, I mean, obviously Megan and I, we've had our issues, but, um, yeah, it's just, I just constantly using that phone when I can.

Bill (01:14:51.413)
Right, right.

Mike (01:14:51.477)
Right? Yeah. Using the tools that, that we were taught. Right. Yeah. And struggles. I mean, you know, that was one of the things that we were taught real early on fucking surrender, man, you know, the first step powerless, you know, don't stop trying to control shit. It's just going to let it flow, let it happen. It's going to happen anyway. We walk through it. It's never as bad as we think it's going to be. And there, we're on the other side of it. We're still sober and life goes on.

Michael Raleigh (01:14:53.522)
Absolutely. Right.

Michael Raleigh (01:15:02.75)

Mike (01:15:20.757)
It's not that, it's not that tough. It's really not. When we stop, when we stop struggling, when we stop fighting against it, all of it, you know, not just the substances, but life itself, you know, I, I don't fight against it anymore. I mean, I still get frustrated little things and whatever, but, um, but they are the little things. And again, I know it's going to pass like it has in the past. They've

Michael Raleigh (01:15:23.531)
Right. I mean.

Michael Raleigh (01:15:33.954)

Mike (01:15:46.749)
You know, they didn't lie to us, man. They said, no, walk through it and you'll be fine. And son of a bitch, I walked through it and Hey, I'm pretty good on the other side.

Bill (01:15:51.21)

Bill (01:15:56.094)
Yeah. Well, that's that is the craziest thing. And we talked about that. I don't even know how many times, you know, that little bit of faith and a little bit of hope, you know, is that all that all that we need half the times. And like you said, you know, with the struggling part of it and using the phone and Mike and I, I mean, it doesn't happen that often, you know, anymore. But a lot of times, you know, before, you know, we get we get on here. If there's something that.

Michael Raleigh (01:15:56.579)

Michael Raleigh (01:16:08.788)

Bill (01:16:24.322)
we need to talk about that's, you know, has no business being on this fucking podcast. We'll talk about it real quick, you know. Everything else we just talk about on here. You know, so in. Yeah.

Mike (01:16:29.982)

Michael Raleigh (01:16:31.615)

Mike (01:16:36.322)
Right. Which is why we started this thing, you know, cause I mean, we like, fuck, we're going to meet every Friday night and run our gums for an hour or two. And yeah.

Michael Raleigh (01:16:44.066)

Bill (01:16:45.106)
Yeah, and that is that's the that's the honest to God truth about why we started this was well, first of all listening to other podcasts, I'm like, we can fucking do that, can't we just, you know, fucking run our mouths into a couple of microphones. And he's like, yeah, we can. So, but yeah, we get to start off, we were just we treated this and we still do, you know, as what to begin with, it was kind of like, we're going to get together and like have a meeting, you know, not necessarily a formal meeting, but you know, like Mike said, run our gums for an hour about whatever the fuck we feel like.

Michael Raleigh (01:16:58.178)

Mike (01:16:59.041)
Why not?

Bill (01:17:13.914)
And then we started just telling stories and then, you know, had a couple of people approaches to be guests and, you know, completely just turn it into just this, we talk about whatever the fuck we want. It's not all sobriety stuff. Most of the time it is, you know, we try to get sobriety shit in here, but.

Mike (01:17:31.357)
Right, kind of like the way we run our lives.

Bill (01:17:33.81)
Yeah, I'll tell you though, this has been a, for me, and I think for Mike also, but for me, 100%, this has been a huge, huge outlet for me and a huge tool, you know, to be able to, number one, to just get shit off my chest and have us talk about it and talk through stuff. And last week we were telling this one story about this guy that we knew and I couldn't stop laughing. I haven't laughed so hard as I have in this podcast in fucking years.

Michael Raleigh (01:17:34.445)

Michael Raleigh (01:17:52.696)

Bill (01:18:03.838)
But the other thing too was then we started hearing that here and there that, you know, people were kind of catching on to what we were talking about, or it was kind of helping people and we're like, fucking really? You know, how did that help somebody? You don't know, you know, what you say that's going to help or maybe piss people off. And surprisingly, we haven't really pissed off a lot of people, at least they haven't said anything. So, and if they did, our attitude is, fuck them. Don't listen. So, and it literally, that's to begin with, I thought,

Michael Raleigh (01:18:14.336)

Michael Raleigh (01:18:28.034)

Mike (01:18:28.533)

Bill (01:18:31.974)
We didn't know how we were going to be. They were like, fuck it. We don't care. We don't care what people think. We don't care people like what we're going to say. We're just going to fucking talk. That's it. Done. Yeah. And it is. It's just we've had so many just nice conversations and shit. I mean, it's not that when we're all together that we don't have a chance to sit and shoot the shit. But you think about whether it's the Keating Center event that we were at. You and I talked for probably five or 10 minutes, I think, when we were watching the raffle tickets or whatever the prizes get.

Michael Raleigh (01:18:40.697)
That's it. It's simple.

Bill (01:19:00.65)
called off. You know, you shoot the shit for a few minutes there, we're playing poker, we're all talking. I mean, when's the last time that the three of us have been able to sit down and talk for an hour? It's been forever, you know? So, it's cool.

Mike (01:19:12.822)

Michael Raleigh (01:19:14.742)
Right. Absolutely. And you know, that's the Keating Center. It's just, I owe everything that place, you know, I can't, I can't, I can't do enough for him. I just, I try to get to every event and, you know, help out when I can. And, and it's one person that I will always definitely answer the phone for. And that's Marty.

Mike (01:19:20.66)

Bill (01:19:35.83)
Oh shit yeah.

Mike (01:19:36.101)
Oh yeah, definitely. Right. Scared not to. Still.

Michael Raleigh (01:19:38.69)
for sure.

Bill (01:19:42.138)

Michael Raleigh (01:19:42.251)
Still, still, yeah.

Bill (01:19:45.702)
Well, it was like a year and a half ago, because I think it was in, I don't know, whatever it was, it was at least a year and a half ago. I was still in Wisconsin at the time. And I was at work, and it sounded like I couldn't have my cell phone out at my desk. And I did, and I saw the phone's ringing, and it's Marty, and I'm like, oh, fuck me. And I couldn't answer it in the office, so that's one thing I couldn't do. So I ended up, I went outside, and I called him back. I'm like, I'm sorry, Marty, I'm at work. I said, hey, what's going on? He's like, no big deal. He goes,

You're going to write an article for us for the Keating Center website. Talk about this. Email Katie about this. She'll give you the idea. You're going to do that for us. I'm like, okay, thanks Marty. All right, bye. Click. And I mean, that was the extent of my conversation, but same deal. I saw his name come up. I'm like, fuck me. What's going on? You know, he didn't market as a call me, you know? But yeah, it was, it was an honor.

Mike (01:20:18.081)

Michael Raleigh (01:20:24.908)

Michael Raleigh (01:20:32.81)

Mike (01:20:36.285)
Yeah. And if he does, it's cause he wants something and we're more than willing to give it to him.

Bill (01:20:41.39)
Right. Do you remember when we were trying to move, we were moving furniture out of John and Gales and we wanted to use the van and he said, okay, but didn't he make us do a Costco run or something like that? He's like, you could use the van, but he goes, you put gas in it before you bring it back and you need to do a Costco run for me first. Oh, that's what it was. We were picking up furniture

Michael Raleigh (01:20:41.687)

Mike (01:20:53.629)

Mike (01:20:57.193)
Yeah, he did.

Michael Raleigh (01:20:59.842)

Michael Raleigh (01:21:06.584)

Mike (01:21:10.848)

Bill (01:21:11.466)
from John and Gail's house. Things like, yeah, but you got to do a Costco red bit while you're using it. It was great. But again, I mean, it's given the opportunity. The only time we ever told him no is when he wanted us to move back into the rock after they were closing down Cecilia. And we kindly declined. We didn't even say no. But yeah, I mean, oh God, yeah. Yeah.

Mike (01:21:13.494)

Michael Raleigh (01:21:13.886)
Oh, all right.


Mike (01:21:28.822)

Michael Raleigh (01:21:30.156)

Mike (01:21:32.021)
We did.

Michael Raleigh (01:21:33.098)
Right. Yeah, it was time.

Mike (01:21:36.233)
Yeah, it was.

Michael Raleigh (01:21:38.158)
I mean, at that point, I mean, that would close at the end of August or beginning of September, right? When...

Bill (01:21:45.106)
Yeah, because we moved into our place over on whatever road that was, Baltic, beginning of October. So yeah, I think we, I think it was September. Yeah. We had to be out of there by the end of September, I think. So, and what we figured out, we were given what Mike, two weeks, two and a half weeks, something like that. That's a little pressure for you.

Mike (01:21:49.886)
I'll take.

Mike (01:21:54.037)

Michael Raleigh (01:21:57.09)
All right. Yeah.

Mike (01:22:01.545)
We were. Mm-hmm.

Michael Raleigh (01:22:08.405)
Yeah, we got that place all nice, cleaned up, nice, looking good.

Bill (01:22:10.683)
Oh yeah, yep.

Mike (01:22:11.653)
Oh yeah, absolutely. Then the woman moved in and wrecked it.

Michael Raleigh (01:22:15.03)
Alright. What do you... What do I do? I ain't sayin' nothin'.

Bill (01:22:15.526)
Yeah, that's what I heard. Well, that's what chicks do. They just wreck everything, isn't that what we heard? Ha ha ha. All right, so I know. I know. That's why I figured I was going to like to ease you out of that part of it. So anything else you want to say, you want to add, any bits of information, I'd say advice. But I know you're not going to give people advice necessarily. Anything else you want to say to people.

Mike (01:22:21.249)

Bill (01:22:45.958)

Michael Raleigh (01:22:46.626)
Um, I mean, I just, no, I don't. I just, I just want to thank you guys for having me on. And it's, I think this is great, you know, to, to get people involved and to listen to just, I mean, this is fun. Sobriety is fun. You know, once, once you get through the, the hard part and, and it's just, life is good.

Mike (01:22:54.463)

Mike (01:23:03.217)
It is. That's why we do it.

Bill (01:23:03.462)

Michael Raleigh (01:23:16.038)
And I've never, I mean, I've never laughed so hard in my life since I've been sober. You know, and most of the time it's not at myself anymore, but it's with people. It's not at people or being laughed at. It's laughing about something with somebody, you know. And I just think it's great.

Mike (01:23:16.132)

Mike (01:23:21.365)

Bill (01:23:22.336)

Mike (01:23:26.144)

Mike (01:23:29.793)

Bill (01:23:34.694)
Mm-hmm. Right.

Mike (01:23:34.881)

Bill (01:23:39.434)
Yep. As we always say, not a glum lot, right? All right. Well, but seriously, I mean, thank you, Michael, obviously, for coming on here. And I know we're giving you a little bit of shit for saying that we had to chase you down for the longest time. But we know you're busy. But no, I mean, we really, really appreciate it. So, yeah, I think this will I know this will this will play well. And we've talked about you enough in another episode. So I know people enjoy the conversation. But now.

Michael Raleigh (01:23:43.241)

Mike (01:23:43.323)

Michael Raleigh (01:23:45.718)

Michael Raleigh (01:23:54.455)

Bill (01:24:08.25)
It's time again for you and I, Michael, to be quiet because Mike gets to run us out of here.

Mike (01:24:14.141)
I do. Well, thank you everyone for listening to another episode of sober, not mature. Thank you, Michael, for coming on. You know, um, like we've said, man, you, that we've been doing this thing together the whole time. Um, you're a part of our life. We're a part of yours. It's just a beautiful thing, man. So it's, it's a great example for the people out there. We make these lifelong friendships in the rooms and then we take it outside of the rooms and we live our lives together. And it's just a great thing. So.

As always, be kind to each other, be good to each other, do something nice for somebody else this week and don't tell anybody you did it. And now it is time kids. It is that time you've been waiting for. It is time for you to fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Keep fucking off till you get to a gate with a sign on it saying you cannot fuck off past here. Climb over that gate, dream the impossible dream and keep fucking off forever.

Bill (01:25:12.123)
That's, just so you know, Michael, that's Mike's favorite part of the episode. Mine too. I enjoy the hell out of it. Yeah, because you I know if nothing else you've heard that he does that and then when you listen to the episode tomorrow, even if you don't listen to the whole thing right away, Michael, listen to the end these two and one individual that we had, we had two individuals on a few months ago, and she's a drummer and has all this equipment shit she made. She took that reading.

Michael Raleigh (01:25:16.562)
I could, as soon as you said it I knew it.

Mike (01:25:18.881)

Bill (01:25:40.382)
and did this whole beat thing to it. And that's how we put that at the end of our episode now. Once we're, oh yeah, the fuck off, it's beautiful. It's fucking beautiful. Yeah, she did a great job. Her name is Breeze and we should thank her more. I posted it, I don't know, a week or so ago on Instagram and thanked her again, but yeah, she did a great job for us. But all right, you know what? Enough, enough rambling from all of us. But Michael, once again, thank you.

Michael Raleigh (01:25:43.544)

Mike (01:25:46.081)
It's the Fuck Off Remix.

Michael Raleigh (01:25:48.703)
Oh shit.

Mike (01:26:04.19)

Bill (01:26:06.303)
Both you guys I love both you guys and I'm sure we will talk to you all soon All right All right. Bye

Mike (01:26:07.85)

Michael Raleigh (01:26:09.383)
I love you guys too.

Mike (01:26:10.985)
Love you all too!

Michael Raleigh (01:26:14.606)
Bye bye. Thank you.